Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Kingdom of Port-ah-bluh

I was assigned a portable classroom this year.

You know, the ones that look like a shed and smell a bit odd.

We've had several beginning of year orientation meetings to prepare for the storm of next week when we are taken over by teenagers, and every time we are reminded that we should not be "teaching in a one room schoolhouse" I kind of want to raise my hand and say ". . . but I am in a one room school house."

This portable classroom thing came as a bit of a surprise. In an attempt not to sink into some kind of depressed/annoyed fit over the whole thing, I started trying to come up with names for said shed. Some of the ideas I had involved "The Room of Requirement" and "The Dungeon" in keeping with my theme for the year. I decided, as funny as "The Dungeon" might seem to me, it might not be the best idea for a bunch of thirteen-year-olds in a conservative community. Then, in true Hyacinth Bucket (Boo-kay) fashion (re: Keeping Up Appearances), I decided it would be funny to try and call the place the "Kingdom of Portable" only to pronounce "Portable" like "Por-tah-bluh."

I don't think it will work.

Especially when these sheds are given room numbers that shorten "Portable" to "P(#)." I have a feeling that no boy in the room is going to prefer my incredibly witty title to something that allows them to say something that could even be remotely considered inappropriate. . .

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